The following is a list of common terms used in the PASI documents.
Term |
Description |
Alberta Student Number |
A nine digit number that uniquely identifies a student in Alberta. In the PASI core API the Alberta Student Number is referred to as the StateProvinceId (using SIF as a guide for field naming) |
Alberta Student Number |
Core Alert |
This is an object that describes a single Error, Warning, Advice or Reminder about a piece of data (e.g. a warning core alert on student because the postal code is invalid) |
Data Contract |
One or many classes that describe the message sent to and from the PASI core (request/response) for a particular service. |
Date Time Offset |
A data type used to represents a point in time relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). See DateTimeOffset details for further information. |
Exception |
An unexpected error returning a fault data contract (fault code and fault description) instead of the expected data contract |
Globally Unique Identifier also known as Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). See for further information. |
MD5 Hash |
The hash algorithm used by the IsDataAvailable service to determine if a PASI client is out of sync with the PASI core when data is up to date based on the version numbers |
Ministry Client |
A PASI Client that represents the Ministry of Education |
Object |
In object oriented terms this typically refers to an instance of a class. In some services the data contracts may be referred to an "object". |
Organization |
A School or School Authority |
PASI Client |
A PASI Client is a program running on a computer that interacts with the PASI Core. A PASI Client acts on behalf of one or more organizations, as opposed to acting on behalf of a person. A PASI Client represents one or more business functions of one or more organizations. |
PASI Core |
An approach for collecting and sharing student-related data in an on-line, real-time environment that will enhance opportunities to improve student learning by providing: "The right informationā¦ to the right peopleā¦ at the right time" |
PASICoreVersion |
A unique version number assigned to select objects in the PASI core to allow easy identification of what has changed since a particular version number. (e.g. there will not be a StudentSchoolEnrolment and Student with a PASICoreVersion of "2") |
Rejection |
A reason for a change not to be accepted into the PASI core. (i.e. submitting an enrolment for an inactive school) |
Schools Interoperability Framework. PASI core uses SIF 2.3 for guidance for service and data contract naming. See for further information. |
StateProvinceId |
An Alberta Student Number. This is the identifier used to communicate about a student within the PASI core. |
Windows Communication Foundation - a part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications that communicate across the web and the enterprise |