Technical Glossary Provincial Approach to Student Information API

The following is a list of common terms used in the PASI documents.



Alberta Student Number

A nine digit number that uniquely identifies a student in Alberta. In the PASI core API the Alberta Student Number is referred to as the StateProvinceId (using SIF as a guide for field naming)


Alberta Student Number

Core Alert

This is an object that describes a single Error, Warning, Advice or Reminder about a piece of data (e.g. a warning core alert on student because the postal code is invalid)

Data Contract

One or many classes that describe the message sent to and from the PASI core (request/response) for a particular service.

Date Time Offset

A data type used to represents a point in time relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). See DateTimeOffset details for further information.


An unexpected error returning a fault data contract (fault code and fault description) instead of the expected data contract


Globally Unique Identifier also known as Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). See for further information.

MD5 Hash

The hash algorithm used by the IsDataAvailable service to determine if a PASI client is out of sync with the PASI core when data is up to date based on the version numbers

Ministry Client

A PASI Client that represents the Ministry of Education


In object oriented terms this typically refers to an instance of a class. In some services the data contracts may be referred to an "object".


A School or School Authority

PASI Client

A PASI Client is a program running on a computer that interacts with the PASI Core. A PASI Client acts on behalf of one or more organizations, as opposed to acting on behalf of a person. A PASI Client represents one or more business functions of one or more organizations.


An approach for collecting and sharing student-related data in an on-line, real-time environment that will enhance opportunities to improve student learning by providing: "The right informationā€¦ to the right peopleā€¦ at the right time"


A unique version number assigned to select objects in the PASI core to allow easy identification of what has changed since a particular version number. (e.g. there will not be a StudentSchoolEnrolment and Student with a PASICoreVersion of "2")


A reason for a change not to be accepted into the PASI core. (i.e. submitting an enrolment for an inactive school)


Schools Interoperability Framework. PASI core uses SIF 2.3 for guidance for service and data contract naming. See for further information.


An Alberta Student Number. This is the identifier used to communicate about a student within the PASI core.


Windows Communication Foundation - a part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications that communicate across the web and the enterprise